Design With Us focuses on creating opportunities for disabled youth to tap into the power of their lived experiences and use it to create original designs.

In-Person Workshops

Learning design on your own terms is the core of our work. Design With Us is always looking for partners to help deliver custom design workshops for disabled youth. The one-on-one experiences have the chance to create new interests and even potentially new career paths.

You may have seen our in-person workshop featured in episode 1 of Marvel Hero Project on Disney+.


Disabled youth who really enjoy our design workshops have a chance to expand their skills and share their knowledge with businesses and organizations interested in hiring them for their knowledge. Consultancy members meet regularly, work on additional design projects and have a chance to participate in a number of opportunities including speaking at events, running mini-workshops and even consulting on products.

MakeJustRight consultants sit around a table and talk to a potential client on a computer

educational opportunities

Design With Us partners with organizations to hold mini-workshops, trainings or to speak at events. Reach out and let us know if you would like to partner at future events (in-person or online).
