Brain overload

I can't sleep. I woke up at 3:50 this morning and I haven't been able to get back to sleep. My head is clogged up. Jordan wiggles around every time I cough. And my brain can't stop thinking about all the things I need to do before I'm too pregnant before the holidays.

I've got most of the boy's presents... I have a few things left to do to decorate Jordan's room. I still need to buy family gifts. The house is a freaking mess and it has to get cleared out before the holidays. I have six-tons of clothing that needs to be donated before the end of the year. I didn't take a refresher course on labor and for some reason that's started stressing me out. The launch for our new website is a week from Monday and I have to look good enough to introduce the site on our air for five straight days. I don't have enough TV-type clothes and my hair needs a BIG improvement before then.

Honestly. I'd rather ignore it all and go to sleep... But I can't because I can't sleep.

Dude. This stinks.


Wierd new pain


I'm snotty