I'm snotty

I caught Cameron's cold... And now I'm all snotty and uncomfortable at a new level. I don't really want to complain much... But heck, I can write what I want in a blog.


I really hate them when I can't take drugs. Then, last night, my ankles and legs started swelling (I probably sat at the computer too long at work). I wanted to go home and eat chicken soup, but I decided that had too much salt in it. So I just drank water and ate a less salty meal.

Anyway. Jordan is moving and grooving... She seems to be spreading out a little more. She gets hiccups more (or I'm noticing them more). She doesn't like my coughing. But I don't like it either. Hopefully I can beat this cold before I'm expected to go on the air the week of December 5th. Yeah. On the air. My boss wants me to introduce our new website to our audience. That's a little wierd. I'm sure everyone will be happy to see the monster pregnant lady on TV.


Brain overload


Strange dream