Wierd new pain

Yesterday, something happened. I was walking and suddenly, I had a huge, horrible pain in my very, very lower back. More like in the bones of my butt.

Yeah. I just wrote about my butt.

Anyway. I can't seem to shake this pain. At its peak, I really can't walk. It's a HORRIBLE feeling. After doing a web search, I've diagnosed it as posterior pelvic pain... There's a more medical term to it, but why focus on that.

Now I'm trying to figure out how to fix this pain. The websites say I shouldn't move around too much. I don't know if I like that option. We got all of the Christmas lights up today... I had to move at it really slowly, but I survived. But getting up from a sitting position can really hurt.

I see the doctor on Monday. But after researching, my best options to help include buying a maternity belt, prenatal massage and resting more. I found one place that offers prenatal massage. I hope its affordable. But honestly, I don't really care about the price. It's that uncomfortable.

Okay. I'm going to get up and try to walk up to bed. (ow)


All is well


Brain overload