A doll just like Jordan
For years, Jordan has talked about wanting a doll that has a little arm just like her. It started as a topic of discussion when she was four-years-old and realized her American Girl doll didn't look like her. The realization made Jordan sad. I even reached out to American Girl and the company will not make amputee dolls. Considering the cost of the dolls, I wasn't going to try to create a limb difference on my own.Fast forward to earlier this month, and a very kind woman named Amy reached outto me. She is an avid doll collector and crafter. Before she became a mom, she was a pediatric oncology social worker. She finds building dolls bring her two passions together: helping children and creating dolls. When a family reached out to her to build a limb difference doll, she realized there were probably many kids who don't have a doll that looks like them.Amy did a little research and found the post from this blog that focuses on the need for limb different dolls and how bummed I am that mainstream companies aren't interested in helping our kids. We talked about her plans to launch a small business focused on building limb difference dolls. Fast forward to this week and TA DA! Jordan is the proud owner of "Little Boo." (Jordan's nickname is Boo.)Jordan spent most of last night introducing her doll to our family and all of her stuffed animals. She even whispered to me so none of her other dolls could hear, "Don't tell any of my other dolls, but Little Boo is my favorite."
She spent all this morning with Little Boo and even talked me into letting her walk with her doll to school. (I carried Little Boo home.)Amy has launched a Facebook page called, A Doll Like Me. She's selling each custom, handcrafted doll for $45 with $5 from each doll going to help Camp No Limits! I think that is so super cool. If you're interested, message Amy through her Facebook page. I can't explain how happy Jordan is with her new doll. It's so very sweet.