Those Darn Monkey Bars
Monkey bars are the enemy for a child with one hand and a short arm. It's always been something Jordan and I mention in a joke when she introduces herself. I say, "Jordan can do everything... but sometimes she does it different." Then she says, "Except monkey bars. I just can't do monkey bars."It was something to say lightly even though the monkey bars have always been a nemesis. It's where kids play during recess. It's not really a welcoming space for Jordan.So of course her new best friend at Jordan's new school is an AMAZING monkey bar fan. She dangles and hangs and climbs during each recess period. Jordan's new awesome friend is SO strong. I have looked at her shoulders and wondered how the heck she's so strong. And then Jordan told me the reason: Her friend is an expert monkey bar user. She has properly callused hands. She can dangle for the longest time.So what does Jordan do when her friend is dangling? Well, she plays nearby. But Jordan acknowledges it's a bummer. And she wants to get strong enough to be able to hang on those bars... Somehow, some day.
That's why at the end of her weekly CrossFit Kids workouts, Jordan spends extra time dangling and getting stronger. She's working on her grip and ability to raise her body while dangling. It's a way to build those calluses and get stronger.While Jordan works on other skills like one-handed push-ups, medicine ball training, box jumping and many other things... She recently had a chance to make things official about her goals at CrossFit. Jordan put her name on the chalkboard and announced two goals: Pull ups and monkey bars. I think she's going to do whatever work it takes to meet those goals... especially when there's a friend at the end of that monkey bar.