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Spreading the love

A week ago, my community of social media fans got together to have fun and raise money for the Boone County Family Resources program as part of the international Twestival fundraiser. Cities around the world raised money for a local cause. I was attending BlogHer bet and didn't get to be there. It killed me, but volunteers, students and members of Social Media Club Mid-MO made it happen. Yesterday, I helped turn in a big chunk of the $2,861 raised during the party.I had a chance to talk to a couple of the leaders of the organization's fundraising arm (called Friends of Boone County Family Resources) and make sure they know how much I appreciate the organization. I also offered to share lessons I've learned to members of the organization and I'd love to speak to parents of younger children with special needs. I honestly feel the discoveries I've learned as a mom is helpful for so many of us who have kids with differences. While I was talking to other moms at the BlogHer event last weekend, we had very similar experiences even though our children were born with different diagnosis. Those conversations confirmed with me that we could all lean on each other more. I know my time with the families in Sammy's Friends has made a huge difference to me. Add in the wonderful people who share with this site, and I feel like I have access to a lot of advice and knowledge.I am TOUCHED by the number of people who responded to my earlier post looking to see who would like to pitch in as I try to expand this site to something bigger. I plan to email each of you. And if you haven't told me you want to pitch in, that's okay! You can tell me anytime. Just email me: or leave a comment on this post or on the form on this link.