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Sharing inspiration in the news

I'm making a big transition this week... After Friday, I'm leaving 17 years of working television newsrooms to work for the national AARP organization. I'm becoming the organization's social media trainer and I'm thrilled for the opportunity. It also means some changes here at Born Just Right. I promise to get a t-shirt shop going... but instead of running it out of my house, I need to use an online site. (Zazzle, CafePress, Printfection...) I've ordered a couple of samples from the sites so I can decide which ones are best. With the new job, I also may not be able to post as many items on Facebook... and posts on this blog may happen only once or twice a week at the most. I've hit these ups and downs in posts before, but this time I know it has to happen. I'll try to share quick moments, but the new job needs a lot of my focus... Especially when I first get started. I will travel more but I'm also working from home when I'm in town. There are ups and downs to everything new!The day I officially accepted my new job, Jordan had a really special chance to meet Hayden Filson at the softball field here in Columbia, MO. Along with taking my own photos and videos to share on this website, a local newspaper reporter and photographer met up with us to capture the moment. What came out of the experience was a very kind and enjoyable article in the Columbia Daily Tribune... and a chance for Jordan and I to spread the word that a physical difference is OKAY!!Jordan's teacher cut out a copy of the paper and put it up in the classroom. There's even a copy up at the kids' after school program. I don't often look to get coverage of our efforts at Born Just Right... but I think it's pretty cool we had a teachable moment to share with our community.Even better, Jordan seems to be handling the extra press attention pretty well. She isn't bragging, she just smiles when someone brings it up. She's making me extra proud.