Mother's Day with #family
This was one of the craziest Mother's Day weekends since my first Mother's Day in 2002. That's right... It's so strange to think I've been a part of this mom world for ten years. Mother's Day weekend 10 years ago seemed just as crazy. I graduated from grad school the day before Mother's Day... Cameron was six weeks old. I was SO new at this mom thing. My mom and mother-in-law were first time grandparents.That weekend, we juggled two very big celebrations... I had finished my graduate degree just weeks before Cameron was born. The ceremony was a big deal. We dressed him up in a handmade cap and a black t-shirt for a gown. We even made him a matching tassel. I carried him across the stage when I snagged that diploma.It was so cool. Because the very next day was officially my first Mother's Day. My parents were there to celebrate. It's incredible to think how much I've grown in these last ten years.
I look like such a baby. Ten years of parenting really can age you. But it's been worth every bit of extra gray hair and worry. I couldn't have become the mom I am without the support of so many other mothers and fathers and friends and family. I'll be honest. My mom and mother-in-law have been rocks as I travel through this mom world. I struggled with the right ways to celebrate my most important moms. For my mom, I sent flowers, a card and we had the COOLEST Mother's Day conversation on FaceTime. It's harder when I don't have my mother-in-law with me to say thank you. I came up with a craft idea for the kids. They used foam flowers and combined them with pipe cleaners to create a couple of bouquets in her honor. We miss her a ton.
This weekend was crazy. Yesterday was my birthday and graduation for my students. We snuck in a baseball game in between ceremonies. My birthday also included a neighborhood block party and a quick trip to a dance party with friends. Today's Mother's Day was a chance for the kids, Randy, my father-in-law and grandfather-in-law to spend time together. Plus, Randy came up with a super fun way to celebrate my geekiness. I'm so lucky to have such a fun #family and I'm blessed to have a community of families to share our stories, pictures and love.