Make a big impact for Camp No Limits
For years, we've spent a lot of time and energy raising money for Camp No Limits. It's a camp that has helped empower Jordan to be as able and strong as possible as a nine-year-old. Our six years with the program has introduced us to wonderful mentors and friends along with families who have become friends with my whole family. No other camp makes it possible for the whole family to feel supported through the world of limb differences.Now there's an amazing opportunity to make double the impact on the camp.The Camp No Limits board was given a challenge by the Clearwater Marine Aquarium: Raise $20,000 and the aquarium will donate another $20,000! (You probably know the aquarium best for its most famous resident, Winter the Dolphin.) That's a huge deal and every little bit can make a difference. Since the announcement of this opportunity, the board has already raised $2,350. But there's a long way to go.
If 400 people or families gave $50, the board would reach its donation goal. It takes $500 to pay for one child or family member to attend camp. It's the best $500 I know of. There are very few places where the whole family is celebrated and supported in the limb difference world. I am so glad we started attending the camp when Jordan was so young. It opened us to a world of friendships and mentorships.Raising a total of $40,000 will send 80 kids and family members to camp. That's A LOT of people. Every amount of growth for camp means more kids have a chance to attend. Please consider giving to this awesome fundraising challenge! Even better, once you donate at least $50, the board will send you a t-shirt! Camp No Limits shirts are my favorite.