Community links and more at #BlogHer11
Right after our big 504 plan meeting at Jordan's school, I ran off to San Diego to attend the BlogHer conference. It's my first time attending a massive blog-focused event like this. I got my first taste of talking to brands and how they might work with bloggers during the Midwest Media Moms conference in Chicago last month... So I've learned a bit since then about how to pitch and how to network with brands. I'm so glad I attended the summit because it's not an intimidating concept to me anymore.I am attending the conference with the goal of spreading the word about this site. I really believe our children are just right and we should celebrate! I'd love to find support so I can spend more time speaking and reaching out to families. I also would love to find more ways to help our kids live in a world where a physical or developmental disability doesn't throw our culture for a loop.The best part so far was helping moderate a Special Needs Mini-Conference yesterday. There are so many wonderful people (mostly parents) who are a part of the special needs world. Each person's experience is different... but totally the same. It was wonderful to unite in knowledge and in person. (Having the chance to really connect in person and not always online is a powerful thing.)As for connections with brands... I don't know. We'll see if I can find a brand or two that wants to help me continue to share how I really believe every child is born just right! In the meantime, I'm reinvigorated AGAIN to write a book about the lessons I've learned as a parent. And of course, I'll keep writing here and sharing on Facebook because this site and my experiences online are worth it all - brands or no brands.