American Girl: Limb Different Dolls Are More Important Than You Think
I hope you've seen the video... Emma opens an American Girl doll box and discovers the doll of her dreams: A doll with a helper leg just like her. A Step Ahead Prosthetics started making alterations on American Girl dolls earlier this year. It's remarkable how special this can be for kids.My heart is SO full for Emma and it just makes me want to work even harder for Jordan's petition to go further so American Girl can understand how important this is to our kids. Keep sharing Emma's story. Keep sharing Jordan's petition. This isn't about materialistic needs. This is about confirming to the world that children with physical differences deserve to be included in mainstream product development. I know this makes some people mad, but I want all kids to see limb difference as just another part of life. Some kids have two feet and two hands. Some kids don't. American Girl could play a huge role in explaining differences and celebrating difference. I know Emma proves it.