A quiet blog means a crazy, busy household
This month has taken me out of my standard blogging loop. I try to post two or three times a week at the LEAST. But this month has pushed me over the edge.Let me show you some of the cool things we've been up to lately!First, Jordan's official third grade picture arrived. She officially looks like a mini-teenager and I consider that kind of amazing. Woah. How and when did she grow up so freaking fast?Jordan continues to dance twice a week and she recently had an open house where we got to take some pictures of her dancing up a storm. It was WAY cool watching her work on her hip hop routine. She picks up on the dance much faster than I would have ever imagined.
I traveled a lot this month. When I am in town, we've spent many weekends at University of Missouri football tailgates and games. Jordan is an excellent tailgater. She likes playing games, drinking a LOT of root beer and eating yummy food.
Jordan also got to attend a basketball skills assessment for her winter basketball program. I totally messed up and didn't sign her up in time so she's on the waiting list. Hopefully she'll get on a team. It was cool to see her back on the basketball court.
And there's running. Jordan continues to run in her school's running club but we talked it over and decided to end cross country for the season. She didn't get to attend as many meets as we had hoped. (But she wasn't afraid to bundle up and run at cross country practice... Even when the weather wasn't great.) The last meet Jordan could attend, she missed because she was sick. And now practices are held when it gets super dark outside. I'm pretty sure she'll give it a try again... but for now, we're planning for fun 5K's. Up next: A glow run in November!
As we juggle all of the fun and excitement, this is our last week for our "Limb Differences Aren't Scary" campaign to raise money for Camp No Limits. You can check out all of the raffle prizes here. To win, all you have to do is donate at least $5 to Camp No Limits! Thanks to you and many other donors, we've raised enough to send FOUR kids to camp next year. We're almost half way to sending another person!