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So... Yesterday I had a moment to myself. I was able to take a really long shower. You know, the kind you take when you don't have any concerns. You know, the kind when you don't have to wonder if one of the kids is climbing on top of the kitchen table or drawing on the wall.

I was standing there thinking... I really have let work and kids take up my world lately. There is this one project that I really want to launch. I really, really want to, but I don't have the technical skill to do it and no money to find someone to do it for me. It stinks. Add in other responsibilities for work and the normal kid needs... I let myself go. The only positive side: no weight gain.

Go team.

Tonight the family called me while I was at work. I swear I heard Jordan say: "Come home." Poor baby. I need to slow down, do something fun and take a nap.