Weekend of family time

poppyjordanJordan's Poppy and Grandma visited the family this weekend... She absolutely loves grandparent attention. It means she can get away with more stuff and doesn't always have to say please like when her Mom is always around.I had to work - and I started a new commitment to going to the gym. I even joined a new one where there's a bigger emphasis in actually using the gym and getting healthy. There's a super cool play area for the kids. Of course this also means a totally new environment for me to introduce Jordan to -- Jordan is no problem. It's just a completely new set of grown ups and kids to introduce her. And after a while - I'll be honest, I am a bit tired of all of the questions. It's nice to have your comfort zones without the questions and the stares.slidingdownHonestly, that was probably the hardest part of being at Disney. There were a lot of stares. I truly go about life with my family without trying to look for all of the people staring - but Disney was so crowded over the holidays, you couldn't avoid it. So many curious children. So many rude adults. The worst part: A bathroom attendant in Animal Kingdom asked if I had done drugs or something to cause Jordan's arm. I tried very hard to not let that little moment bother me. But it did. I know she didn't mean to be rude, but that's not the coolest thing to say to a parent of a child with a missing arm.The best thing about Jordan's princess outfit was it was so darn obnoxious that people had a different reason to stare at her. That was so funny.Anyway, we're getting life back to normal with another week of school. Jordan continues to sleep in late. I have to wake her so we can get Cameron to school. If we don't, she wakes up close to 8:45 each morning. That's incredibly late. That also means she is still sleeping 12 hours or more each night. That seems like a lot for a three year old!!Tomorrow is Jordan's yearly physical - I'm pretty sure she's pretty average when it comes to her height and weight. I think she's pretty darn skinny, but when you pick her up you can start feeling a bit of weight there -- She is NOT as fluffy and lightweight as she used to be. Of course the "weight" I'm talking about is close to how much Jordan's brother weighed when he was one years old! (yikes) We're also getting closer to setting up occupational therapy with Jordan's old therapist - just out of our own health care plan instead of Missouri's First Steps program.I've also been asked to speak to students about what it's like to be the parent of a child with special challenges. Once again, I hesitate to say disabled since she is so able. But I know I can offer a lot of perspective for students who are learning to become teachers and early educators. It's a perk to Jordan's new school - She gets to teach the teachers in training and so do I!By the way - I've made it official. This is the new location to keep up with Jordan. If  you keep up with her through a feed reader, please click on the little "RSS" button on the top of this blog! Thanks for being a supporter of Jordan's blog and keep those comments coming! Feel free to spread the word about her blog for any parent you think would be interested!


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