We interrupt this regularly scheduled day

Just when we had the day rolling, Jordan and I suddenly spent the day at home while her brother sleeps. He wasn't feeling well... Bad enough that I decided to not drag him into the car just so I could take Jordan to school. So we've let him sleep and she's let me take conference calls and do some work. Unfortunately, this means Jordan missed her second occupational therapy appointment today. Hopefully we'll be able to reschedule for later in the week.

So what has Jordan done today? Well... She's played cards, played with blocks... And I've let her watch TV. I know. I know. I try so hard to not spend that much time with TV... But I've let the rules relax since the day isn't going as planned.

Jordan is enjoying a snack and learning about animals with Zaboomafoo right now. We might find a show that talks about colors -- we need to work on that.


That pink thing


A happy Easter