Three days in a row

It's like this blog has taken a fast turn into the negative about Jordan's world. I don't mean to do that. But here's the latest news: She has bitten a child at school three days in a row.

I think she's aggravated. I feel bad for her and her hand biting victims.

This is a hard time in a kid's life. There aren't enough words, teeth are ripping through your mouth and in Jordan isn't as mobile as most of the kids in the room. Not to mention, all kids want the world to revolve around themselves. It makes it a breeding ground for biting.

I'm not sure how you fix it. Consequences are a lesson that we're just starting to teach. You can't drop her off at school and say: Okay Jordan, don't bite today. Okay?

So I'm hoping this phase just goes away soon.


Family weekend


Here you go