This is the best day of my life

Jordan reached over and whispered those exact words into my ears while we watched Disney's Tangled this evening. She's really looked forward to seeing the movie... And I couldn't wait much longer to go. Her simple happiness while watching the movie was so fun to watch. Pretty magical hair can go a long way with an almost five-year-old girl.The whole family enjoyed the movie... Even Cameron. And you know a movie is a hit when the eight-year-old brother enjoys it. Seriously, it's a simple and happy Disney story. It includes catchy songs and golden hair. After the show, Jordan was begging for a haircut. (You'll have to see the movie to understand that part.)Jordan wanted to share her review of the movie: "It was beautiful and funny. And I liked the popcorn. It was the best day of my life because I had never seen the movie before. The movie made me feel happy and funny."We're wrapping up a family-filled weekend before we focus on the busy time before Christmas. It includes a lot at work while we get the semester wrapped up for our college students. I have six graduate thesis, projects or proposals to read through this week. That might make it tricky for me to find enough time for blogging. I promise to do my best!


Holiday spirit in full force


Giving thanks on Thanksgiving