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Thanks blog friends!

I have to say I'm pretty amazed by the immediate response of my blog and web friends when I announced our latest prosthetic arm problems.

I live closest to a Shriner's in St. Louis - that Shriner's does not produce myoelectric arms. So, hopefully my physical therapist will target a Shriners that would be interested in working with us... Or another shop that wants to help. Of course I'll check in with our current prosthetists and see what they have to say. My PT doesn't think it's appropriate to wait until the Fall to get a better functioning arm.

The more advice I can get, the merrier. I'll take more ideas from my blog and web friends. Talk to your prosthetists... Talk to the experts you know. Share the word. Jordan is an unusual case. She doesn't have an elbow - but the base of her arm can bend SLIGHTLY into the direction an elbow would bend. She bends it in that direction when she wants to grab something. So clearly it would be logical to try to harness a sensor in that location. So far, our prosthetists haven't been able to do that. It would be AMAZING to find a way to accomplish that feat. And the fact that Jordan already "gets" the concept of having a hand open and close means if we could get a tool that really works, we could have a tool that can actually help her when she needs it.

Once again, my girl can do just about anything with a prosthetic... But if there's better technology, let's try it on Jordan! Come on! Who wants to play?