Stubborn. Just plain stubborn.
I've watched Jordan move more and more into a very stubborn mode. It's standard with a two-year-old. The funny thing is it doesn't make me mad most of the time. It makes me proud.
That stubborn attitude finally has her WALKING UP AND DOWN THE STAIRS BY HERSELF! I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but it has not been a skill she could do on big, traditional stairs. She doesn't have to have a railing. She's just holding onto the wall if she has to.
Makes a mommy pretty darn proud.
Then there was swim lessons tonight. Oy. Half of the time she would say: "No kicks! No pull! No swim!" She did kind of jump in the pool twice with my guidance - from the edge of the pool, deep down under the water and back up. She came up both times spitting water and feeling excited and scared and a bit clingy all at the same time. She did give high fives to her teacher so I guess that means she felt like those jumps were an accomplishment. It was great hearing her teacher talk about how it was cool to see how Jordan can do anything any other kid can do. Yup. She sure can.