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Strong opinions. WOW. They're strong.

We've been out to eat a little more than usual. With all of our traveling, Jordan has figured out the process it takes to eat food at a restaurant. Lately, she takes charge when the waitress asks us for an order.

My in-laws were in town to spend time with the girl and take the boy to their house for the week. So we got to go out to restaurants again. Last night, Jordan immediately asked for her drinks: "Water! Milk! Water and Milk!" I had to reminder her to say: PLEASE!! She didn't forget please after that. I tell you, the girl got her water and her milk. She also ordered her dinner. It was pretty impressive. She holds her own.

This morning, she ordered her milk and waffle at the Waffle House. She was polite and VERY excited about eating a waffle. She ate the whole thing. Seriously. All of it. She had to take some of it home, but she ate it all up. If Jordan can just improve her tone with the wait staff, she's going to get everything she ever asked. She's dominant, but learning to remember to say please (and a smile on the side). She just floors me.

Today I took her to my friend's apartment complex to swim in the pool. I was impressed with Jordan's attempts at kicking and moving her arms. She was a bit nervous at first, but warmed up and got brave in spurts. It was good. No crying. Impressive bravery for a two year old.

I'm planning to meet up with Jordan's occupational therapist this week. I'm questioning our prosthetic more and more these days. The hand's opening and closing mechanism hasn't been consistent since we got our second arm last October. I've been brainstorming with our OT on other options. I'm looking for a prosthetic company that is willing to be creative. I really think Jordan needs someone who wants to try something new. If not, it's time to start planning to work with my current company to schedule Jordan's next arm. Wish us luck!!