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So cool

I just downloaded this picture from earlier this month of Jordan at our local playground. She and her brother were biking around the neighborhood so Jordan had her helper bike hand on. So while we were running around the playground, I got the idea that Jordan should try to hang from these rings. Her hanging didn't last a terribly long time, but it was awesome. She liked it.What you can kind of see is how her long arm is getting a bunch longer than her helper arm. I can't wait until we get her next version! By the way, she can also hang from rings with the help of a hook helper arm. To be honest, it's only recently when I've seen Jordan use her hook hand in any way (and that's probably why I don't have a lot of pictures of her wearing it). But just this week she was running around the house with one of those rain noise makers in her helper hook hand. You know, those long tube things that sound like rain when you turn them upside down. It was so cool.It looks like we're going to be able to get Jordan's new arm in June. It's a month later than planned, but I'm really excited. I love how Jordan brags to her friends how she's going to get an elbow with her next helper arm. My little girl is growing up and figuring out the helpful ways to use the tools we bring into her world.