Party girl

Jordan had a BLAST at Cameron's birthday party. She had to connect herself at my hip when she woke up from her nap (30 minutes into the party)... But once she warmed up to the huge crowd of kids and parents, she was very happy.

There are a couple of really funny things going on in Jordan's world outside of the eye drops and two year freakouts. Jordan has picked up on a sentence her brother says all the time. He often say: "Let me tell you something." Because he ALWAYS says that, Jordan's new thing is "Let me show you something." (It really sounds like "Let me tell yah sumptin') She always grabs my hand, pulls me in the direction she needs and says it. It's a bit challenging when I'm trying to shoot video or take pictures during a birthday party. She also breaks into an "I love..." conversation. She just starts listing off things that she loves. "I love mommy. I love daddy. I love Cameron. I love elephants. I love chocolate. I love shoes" It just pops up into her conversation. The best was in the car on Friday. It just went on and on. She loves a lot of stuff (and people).

One other thing: Boots. Cam got rain boots for his birthday and that inspired Jordan to want a pair of boots of her own. So we went through her winter boots and she's madly in love with a pair that will fit her in the Fall. They are warm. They are cute. She won't take them off. She wants to sleep with them at night. She wants to wear them with every outfit. They are at least one or two sizes too big! Super funny.


Busy day


Ten years ago...