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New skin concerns

Jordan is struggling with skin issues on her little arm again... This time it's because she's really focused on washing her hand and arm. Apparently they had a talk at school about how washing you hands will help keep germs away. So now Jordan is thoroughly washing her hand and arm each and every time she is in the bathroom. Her school's soap and water are kind of harsh and now her little arm and even a small portion of her hand are super chapped.I tried to help her with lotion last night and it hurt so much it took her ten minutes to calm down. This isn't a rash like this fall, this is exactly what you might find on your lips or cheeks during cold, dry weather. I feel terrible for her because I've never seen her in so much pain over her arm before. She couldn't even rest her arm on her side, she didn't want anything touching it. It was tough to watch. Even mommy cuddles could help.I put a note in with her doctor and I hope she might have a few ideas. In the meantime, I'm thinking about buying softer soap and getting Jordan into the habit of using lotion after she washes up.Poor kid.