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Mood swings

Something is going on with Jordan. Today she wouldn't eat anything at school except a blueberry muffin and baby food... She wouldn't eat table food at lunch time. Every time a baby in the room drank a bottle, she wanted one. She desperately needs to get out of the baby room. She's reverting and doesn't want to be grown up in that room. She eats and drinks just fine at home. She also denied therapy today. She was so upset that the therapist left early! No fun. I was teaching class, so I missed that. But we weren't very productive when I met with her last Friday. Jordan knows what she wants to do and she isn't afraid to freak out to get her way. Not too different from her brother.

But after a few positive steps towards standing up this weekend, I'd hate to lose that progress. I guess we'll just take it one day at a time and hope that she will keep wanting to work and grow and move around. I seriously think moving to the bigger kid room will make a HUGE difference.