Mom came home!

The girl digs her new stuff from China
I'm slogging through major jet lag about returning from China... But Jordan doesn't seem to mind. She was really excited to hang out with me since I spent nine days out of the country. She had a chance to visit her grandparents' house for a week. She had a blast and she seems to really like the new dress I brought back.Jordan's preschool runs all year round but her brother starts back up in school next week. So I've let our life schedule get a bit out of wack - the kids have stayed up late. I've taken them to the pool at all hours. We've stayed at the gym a little late. Basically bed times have been at least an hour later than usual. So now I'm on a quest to put an end to that this week. So far, so good. But I realized that a part of our late life is because I've been dragging the kids to the gym for a 6:30 class I love. Getting out of class at 7:30 already puts them late for the going-to-bed process. So I'm on the hunt to change my schedule so I can be healthy AND keep the kids on some kind of schedule.The big challenge - I'm going to have to change my sleep schedule. I'm a night owl... but with my work schedule starting earlier in the morning... I am going to need to exercise more in the morning than the night. (**sob**) Wish me luck!


New school year...


Big vacation... followed by more excitement