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Maine vacation is good for my girl

Jordan is so happy outside... And she LOVES the water. It's been clear since we started camping that she just loves to be outside. She doesn't want to be constrained, she wants to go. And the best thing to do: Dip her feet into the water. I've let her get soaking wet in a New Hampshire river and in the ocean in Maine. I just can't help it. She's so happy. And wet. Jordan learned how to throw rocks into the cove yesterday by watching her brother. I tried to get Jordan's official picture out on the rock today -- same spot every year. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to get my flash to work even though it the camera didn't think it needed the flash. I'm not confident enough to use all of the manual settings for such an important shot. I'm a wimp. I'll admit it. This was the sixth year we've plopped Cam onto the same rock -- Jordan's second year.

An amazing thing happened today while we were hanging out at the house on a beautiful day. We heard a knock on the door and there was my cousin Dave! His wife, one of her co-workers and her co-worker's son were on their way to Bar Harbor. They decided to stop by the house just for the heck of it. How cool is that? We got to go down to the water during low tide and skip rocks. We got to take a few family pictures. It was a random cool family moment! They had to run off to register for some kind of conference. Can you imagine getting to attend a conference in Bar Harbor? It's such a cool place!

Jordan is quickly developing more and more into a two year old. Her sleep has been off since we had a rough night sleeping on our last night on the campgrounds. So she's still trying to catch up on her rest. We're making it through 2 naps and an early bed time. But sleep or no sleep, she's getting more and more able to tell us what she wants and when she wants it. Most of the time she just wants to be in my arms or in my presence. I don't want to deny my love to her... But it's exhausting. I don't really want to complain much because it's just so special to be able to spend so much time with her and Cam.

I took notes while we were camping since we weren't able to have cell or computer access. I have daily stories of our experiences... And MAN did we have adventures. The lessons learned: Jordan will sleep while Mommy takes her up a steep mountain. Jordan will play in any type of water if she can get to it. Jordan is happy to chase after animals: dogs, cats, chipmunks, squirrels.... It just doesn't matter. And Jordan will scream anytime her brother takes a toy away. New to the mix: She will cry like she got a shot at the doctor's office. It hurts the ears!! Maybe tomorrow night I'll type all of the entries out. I took more than 600 pictures over our four day camping experience. I have a ton from the last two days in Maine as well. I have all kinds of Flickr work to do! But I'll worry about that tomorrow. I'm tired!