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Jordan's not impressed, but I am

Every time we show Jordan video of a person doing something cool with a limb difference, Jordan just does not react much. I've said this before, but I'll say it again. We've given Jordan access to so many awesome and able limb different people, she doesn't expect anything less than awesome. So when Randy found this video on ESPN, she watched with interest, but didn't seem too shocked:

Jay Fleming won a heat for 9 and 10 year-olds in Nashville and the video was picked as the YouTube Sports Center highlight of the week on ESPN. I think it's great.Another ESPN film that I think is pretty awesome is "A Fighting Chance." It's a movie produced about Kyle Maynard who is a quadruple congenital amputee. It's a super strong wrestler and an incredibly positive person. (He wrote a book called "No Excuses.") For more than I year, I've worked with the producer who was trying to collect videos and photos of limb different kids to show people who watch the film that Kyle isn't the only person who is living life in a positive way. ESPN ended up cutting the montage out of its version that aired on TV, but it's going to be a DVD extra when it goes on sale. (Hopefully soon)If you're interested in seeing the film, it has one more chance for viewing ESPN Classic at 5pm ET on December 25, 2010. You can see a little on the film's website. I look forward to the DVD!Another project I have quietly followed is nearing completion. It's called " The Sweetest Gift" and is about arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC). It's a film focused on telling the story of this condition and how children and adults are living life. This is a condition I hadn't heard of until a friend of mine had a sweet little baby and doctors think he might have AMC. I don't know when the full piece will be complete, but here's this film's trailer: