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I just realized...

That Jordan will go to Kindergarten in 2011. Some of her friends are going to be in Kindergarten this Fall. This Fall? How is that possible?How can she be so big? My mind is blown. I should have seen it coming.By the way... In the last few weeks, Jordan has been extra focused and happy to listen at school just for the experience of being able to brag to her brother (and her parents) about how she did a good job at school. It's the bragging opportunity that motivates her more than anything else. Her teachers and I don't mind since this motivation is helping her do well at school.I'm about to head out of town on a vacation with Randy. Jordan and her brother get to stay home and play with her grandparents and great grandpa. Lucky kids. Lucky Mom and Dad!Other big developments in our world... Jordan and her brother are taking swimming lessons right now. Jordan doesn't have the kind of fear that her brother has over water. She's been brave, taking risks and even figured out how to get out of the pool on her own from the deep end. She's so strong!! (I'm a very proud mom)