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"I fart"

As I continue to try and teach Jordan about how to manger her bodily functions... This weekend she made it clear that she understands what a fart is. Every time she does it, she makes sure we ALL know it.

"I fart! Mommy, I fart!"

"Great Jordan. Can you say excuse me?"

"I fartcuzme!"

Today she was incredible at church -- No, not when she was trying to talk about every baby that made a noise during the prayers ("A baby!!" "Shhhhhhh!!!") When I got up to take the kids to the children's sermon at the front of the sanctuary, she just walked up, sat down, sucked her thumb with her lamby. When it was over, she got up and just walked with the crowd to choir... Cam and I had to chase after her. Then she walked into the choir room with Cam and didn't even turn to say good bye. She had a great time according to the choir director. Cam says she didn't sing much. But I'm thinking we chalk up the occasion as a win since she didn't cry.

The last thing we talked about tonight was about farts... I tried so hard to convince her to say excuse me every time she mentioned it, but I think that might take a while. She's kind of stubborn.