Home and happy

We met with David one more time before heading home. Jordan was pretty darn excited about having a chance to play with him. Since we went to the children's museum, she has warmed up to actually using her hook.

Here she is using both hands pushing a big exercise ball with David:

But we had this one moment that was unexpected. Jordan got to do something I had mourned we would never get to do with her. You know when you go to a park and watch parents walking with their child and they swing them in the air. I've felt little twinges of jealousy watching that simple act. Well, today David and I realized she can do that with the hook arm. And it was really cool. It was so cool that I made sure we had a little video of it.

So freaking cool. (By the way, if you can't see the videos, feel free to visit all of the videos I took on the trip by clicking here) I decided to drive home right after the appointment to help me get focused for my next trip: China! I leave on Sunday and I have so much to do. So I won't be able to blog and post stuff as often until I get back. But I have to say I feel pretty good about the direction we're going for Jordan. I can recall when Jordan was very little and I'd look at a hook arm and feel nervous putting one on my child... Just because of some kind of personal stigma I gave it. I don't know why. But I've moved to a point where I totally see how helpful it can be. We don't need a thing that looks like a hand. Jordan doesn't have one! Let's use tools that can actually help. That's so much more important.

I can't wait to help her ride her bike. I'll make sure to post something when that happens. I promise! Also - I have to say a big thank you here on the blog to David Rotter. He spent so much personal time with Jordan and I. I appreciate all of the care, kindness and interest in Jordan and her needs. I feel really lucky to have worked with him and his staff.


School picture 2008


I think we're figuring it out