Happy birthday... see ya later

After Jordan's VERY big second birthday party, her dad and I had to leave town the very next day. We're on our way to cover the Cotton Bowl for work. Luckily I have a wireless card and I can post from the car.

Wow, I'm still floored that Jordan is two years old.

Her birthday was big. I stayed up late the night before to build a wooden kitchen that she got last year and I didn't think she was old enough for it until now. (I also happened to buy extra pans for the kitchen as a birthday present, so it seemed to make sense to get the kitchen up and running before she opened that gift)

She loves that kitchen. LOVES it. Her brother appears to love it as well... So much that he made me a lot of "meals" throughout the day. Jordan loved the extra attention. You could catch her singing songs like "I'm two" and "Happy birthday" throughout the day. She's such a strong-willed, sweet little girl. You should have seen her battling for toys with her brother. As my mom said yesterday: By the time Jordan is four, Cameron is doomed. She is going to rule the roost.

Anyway. The combination of the new kitchen, some doll toys (including a really, really cool Ikea doll bed that Jordan tried to sleep in) and a new play phone made the birthday gift-giving a success. My birthday cake was very sweet and tasty. To top that off, my aunt and uncle joined in on the cake singing and candle blowing over an iSight camera. And it was extra cool for my parents to be there for it all. Somehow, they've seen Jordan on all three of her birthdays: The day she was born, the early morning of her first birthday (we drove away from Orlando that day) and this year. Very, very lucky girl.

On a totally different note, I went shopping with my mom and bought new clothes for me -- the first real shopping spree since I lost weight. Yahoo nice fitting clothes!


Lucky girl


Happy birthday big girl