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Goodbye Naps

The time has come.For years, Jordan has taken her lamby blanket to school every day. It's also found its way to hours and hours of therapy and prosthetic building.But the time has come.Jordan was using lamby for purposes beyond nap time at school. It started causing problems we didn't need to continue. Plus, Jordan is down to one last lamby that has the proper scent and age to it. Her spare disappeared a month or so ago. I am not ready for her to lose the last one.The last lamby needs to stay home.So Jordan decided to quit naps now that she doesn't have lamby to comfort her at school.The big problem? She gets cranky around 5 or 6 every night. We have battles over meals and sill issues with her brother. She needs her sleep!!!She can still love on that lamby at home. That hasn't stopped and I'm pretty sure it won't stop anytime soon.