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Good news all around

img_0425I took Jordan to meet with her pediatric orthopedic specialist this week to make sure she doesn't have any anomalies in her hips or spine. We decided to take this step after her physical therapist was concerned about a number of tiny issues with Jordan's physical abilities and structure. It was so great to watch Jordan bravely get the x-rays and watch her ooooh and ahhh over what her bones look like. They're so tiny! And the good news is she's so healthy. Her doctor and I talked about options where we could with prosthetics. He recommended I find a prosthetic office that teams up with occupational and physical therapy. I appreciated his ideas... And I may consider that. But for now I feel empowered enough and knowledgeable enough from my current therapists that I feel I can go to our current prosthetic expert and get what Jordan needs.It's such a process... But I feel like Jordan is hanging in there and growing more and more with the arm she wears these days.img_0394Speaking of growing. Miss Jordan started looking big to me today. Maybe it's because we hung out with sweet babies over the weekend and she looked huge. But for some reason she's just not my little baby anymore. (sob) Today Randy and I got to meet with Jordan's teachers for a parent-teacher conference. Since her school is a child development lab, she was assigned a student to work with her throughout this semester. Her student teacher did all kinds of skills assessments and really got to know our girl. The result: A 15 page paper all about Jordan's skills and goals to improve her skills. And a wonderful look at Jordan's incredible abilities. I'm really proud of what she's been able to accomplish with this school and I'm super proud of how she's handling herself as a little person with a massive personality. I'm so proud to hear how well she is able to communicate (when she isn't angry about not getting her way) and how she's learning to express herself artistically. She's also really trying to challenge herself physically. She actually uses the scooters in the playground... and tries pedaling the tricycle from time to time. All around, she's rocking pre-school and that makes me very proud.