Good moving forward

Showing off her helper arm to Mr. DavidJordan and the rest of the family met up with David Rotter - who built Jordan's current prosthetic (and its many hands). The girl LOVES "Mr. David" and I wanted Randy and Cameron to meet him too. So we all showed off Jordan's growing skills with her bike arm. I'm pretty darn excited to see how that's working. We tested out a little more flexibility in the wrist for her biking - but with her new bike, Jordan appears to have enough mobility to comfortably ride. She didn't have enough shoulder movement when she was riding smaller bikes... Her training wheel bike is perfect. So we went back to what she's already using after David tried to add a flexible wrist. There may be another time where flexible wrists will be great for her -- but that isn't right now.From the looks of things, Jordan could be able to use this arm through next year. David thinks that's very possible. We just have to gauge it by Jordan's arm width. As long as she doesn't get suddenly chunky (yeah right)... she's just going to grow longer. And longer will be no problem with this arm. That's pretty cool.

4th of July Fireworks
The meeting with David was just the start of a long and fun day. We took the kids to the Field Museum, walked them through the dense crowd at Taste of Chicago AND we let them stay up WAY past their bedtime (again). This time they got to stay in the city to watch the 4th of July fireworks. It was awesome!


Art project


Camp No Limits!