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Football, dancing and fun

I pushed my luck tonight. I let the kids stay up super late last night then I dragged them all over the place today. We had Cameron's soccer game where Jordan got to play soccer with her newest friends. (Anyone her size is a new friend. It's so sweet) Then we ran to the football game and stayed for the first half. Jordan fell asleep in the car and I dropped Cameron off at a neighborhood birthday party. We immediately went from that to a dinner gathering with a bunch of families at a local pizza restaurant. Crazy. I'm exhausted, the kids are exhausted. We're all fried. It was fun, but exhausting.

Jordan is a busy girl. She had another dance class this week and she just LOVED it. The moment she walked into the dance room she flopped on her belly and just slid around. It was so silly that I had to take a picture. It's just another example of how Jordan takes charge when she's in any environment. She's ready to order any and all people around. It's amazing to watch.