Empowerment and leadership
I stumbled onto a PBS special that ran last week that is all about the challenges girls face as they grow up in our society. It talks about the challenges of self-image, technology, violence and education. It was awesome and showed examples of how family, community and programs are supporting girls as they grow up from those tween and teen years before college.I'll be honest. This stage in life scares me a ton. Self-image was difficult for me and my body fits some form of societal standards. I don't want society to prevent Jordan from feeling empowered to succeed and lead in life just because she looks "different." (And currently in her mind, she knows she has differences but she does not consider herself different.)PBS Presents A Girl's Life was eye opening to me just as a reminder that I need to take the time to make sure I stay in touch with the tween/teen world. I need to be aware of the challenges that Jordan may face seven or eight years from now. I also think it's important that I make sure our town has the resources to help Jordan and any other girl feel supported. The host of the show was a woman who founded a group called the Girls Leadership Institute. I'm planning to investigate any opportunity for the program to come to our neck of the woods. I'm so impressed by the PBS special and what the organization is doing for girls!