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Dance baby dance!

Tomorrow is the big day for Miss Jordan the dancer. She's getting her chance to dance in her dance studio's big Spring recital for the first time. She's danced there for two full years at this point - but this is the first year she was old enough to perform in the big show.Today was the big dress rehearsal for the show. So we practiced makeup yesterday so I could do a relatively good job for today's run through of the show. Jordan GLOWS when given the chance to wear performance makeup. But WOW. She looks too grown up for a four year old. Check this out:So cute.She and her dance class did a pretty darn good job... even when there was a hair emergency on stage.Since there are a number of family members who couldn't attend tomorrow's show, I'm including video of Jordan's performance. Cameron actually shot the video so it gets shaky... but the best part is when Cam starts singing along with the music. So funny. Anyway, enjoy the show: