Busy sports fun

We fell into two wonderful sports events this weekend... And Miss Jordan was pretty willing to pay attention to both... Even though I had a hard time capturing a good picture of her at the basketball game!

After a late night at the basketball game, we had a chance to go out early in the morning cold, enjoy a fun tailgate and watch senior football day. It's the last home game of the season. We saw way more games this year than I had expected. This last game was too cold for Jordan's liking. But that wasn't before we danced and yelled for our team.

After Jordan and I left the game (it was too cold for her), she and I cuddled and watched a movie together. It was awesome. Any time I get cuddles from Jordan or her brother, I relish it. I know these won't continue forever. And this weekend's cuddles were a wonderful way to end a lot of sporty, non-cuddly fun.


Limb difference families unite!


Over already?