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Big vacation... followed by more excitement

Jordan and the rest of the family just returned from a huge vacation. We camped in New Hampshire and enjoyed the coast of Maine. A two week MEGA trip! Some of the highlights include Jordan's first hike on her own where she climbed up Mt. Willard in Crawford Notch State Park! 2804 feet high!

Top of Mt. Willard family shot
Jordan also proved she can be a river girl by floating down the Saco River a bit on a river raft!
Striking a pose My river girl Camping Day 4 Camping Day 3
She even showed how she can bike a couple of miles in Brunswick, Maine -- with the help of Mom and Dad's little pushes here and there and with a lot of convincing that SHE CAN DO IT!!
What do you mean keep going?
We enjoyed a lot of family time... And we proved to Jordan that we are WAY more nervous about her safety as she climbed rocks than Jordan appreciates. She was hard headed during the trip, but also so curious and interested in all of our activities. She wanted to know all she could about lobsters and how lobstermen catch them. So much fun. So exhausting.The most fun was watching Jordan break out into dance just about anywhere -- including dance with my brother in the fog on a street and with lobsters.
Maine Day 3 Maine Day 3 Maine Day 6 - Lobstah Dance
The fun isn't over. I'm headed to China next week and Jordan gets a chance to hang out with her brother in Kentucky with their grandparents. Who knows what kind of adventures they'll get to have there!