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Beauty and TSA

In my quest to keep up with the limb difference world, I realize I've missed the opportunity to write about two limb different women who recently were in the news for their beauty and limb difference.Kelly Knox won Britain's Missing Top Model earlier in 2008. It's a BBC show that gave disabled models a chance in the modeling world. For some reason, Knox is getting a lot of coverage in the international media recently. I've read a number of articles on her and I think it's cool to see so much coverage in a positive light about limb differences. Another media campaign focuses on a 35-year-old woman from Belgium who is mimicking a Wonderbra ad, but raising disability awareness. The caption: "Look at me in the eyes... I said the eyes."Tanja Kiewitz said she had no qualms doing the photo shoot. It think it's awesome she was brave enough to pose with a bra on... let alone putting her limb difference in the limelight.

The increasing revolt against the full-body scanners or pat-downs are getting a bit of news coverage. With that, there's a growing outcry from people who use leg prosthetics. Apparently the TSA is sitting down with the Amputee Coalition of America. But for now, it's not a simple process to go through security. Here's a story from Fox News and one from the Chicago Sun-Times.Two other really cool stories I found online:

  • A TV station in Pennsylvania did a story about a business that is working on bionic fingers for people born with a palm, but would like to try more function with fingers.The Washington Post did an awesome story about a woman who is already prepping for Thanksgiving - she lost portions of all four limbs during a terrible illness. Prosthetics are helping her continue her love of live and cooking.