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Another tooth!

Take the number up to five. Jordan had another tooth appear today and I expect the next top tooth to emerge at any moment. Hopefully she'll get a bit of a break from all of this tooth making and feely happier. Actually, she hasn't been that moody, but it's been noticeable to me.

Yesterday Jordan got to play in the bigger baby room almost all day. She does really well in there. It certainly won't be the same lovey and warm environment with little squishy babies. She's ready to be there full time and I'm impatient.

I'm trying to focus on me a little bit lately. I went to the gym twice this week. I even work up at 5:25 this morning to head over to the gym. I will admit: I like working out. The trick is allowing myself time. A good friend and I take a walk every Saturday... So if I can just add one other day of exercise, I'll feel better about myself. I spent the last year focusing a lot of time for Jordan. I'm officially going to allow myself priority again. Obviously that's important for the sake of sanity. So as Jordan keeps growing, I need to keep learning how to be better to me. I will benefit, my attitude with life will benefit and I figure the family will benefit. The trick is fitting in healthy living into my insane life.