A visit with Santa

I usually line up and visit with Santa the first chance I can get... But I'm off my game this year. We ended up going to chat him up right after Jordan's class holiday party. I figured it was a late night already... and I had the kids dressed up and looking cute. The twist? It wasn't at the local high school or the mall. I took the kids to the nearby Bass Pro Shop. That isn't the norm for them.Jordan wasn't happy. The moment we got there, she was walking through the store saying, "This isn't the right place! This isn't where we talk to Santa!" I walked her over to the near-empty Santa area and showed her the jolly guy in his picture-taking area. Mind you, we don't spend a ton of time convincing Jordan that Santa is real. We just mention his existence around this year from time to time to try and keep her making good choices and treating people politely. Apparently I had never mentioned he hangs out at Bass Pro Shop (or as her brother called it when was little "The Fish Store"). There was no line (which bothered her for some reason). So when she had a chance to sit with the man in red, apparently she blanked. She planned to tell him a whole line of things. She tells me she couldn't remember it all so she just asked for a doll.Umm. I don't think Santa was planning to buy a doll.Whoops.After the kids took individual pictures with Santa, I convinced them to take one together. The were both pretty good sports about it. I'm pretty sure Cameron still believes, but with a lot of skepticism. I had made it pretty clear to Cam that if he spoke out against Santa, then clearly he won't need to get gifts from Santa. He's playing along well.

The funniest part? The kids thought the 4 wheelers were SUPER cool. Especially the boy and girl 4 wheelers.


New skin concerns


Holiday celebration at school