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World of Flavors

Jordan is starting to eat for real. I give her one meal with a veggie or fruit in the morning mixed with cereal. At night, I've been giving her food to try and "self feed." Yesterday I cut up chunks of avocado just to see what she'd do. Today, I put some apple chunks into a mesh baby feeder thing. And she really liked it!

We've had a fun weekend. Jordan took a monster 4 hour nap today while we had visitors who came over to play. I'm bummed she didn't get to hang out. But I think the sleep really helped her. She has a little cought that I think has to do with teething. She doesn't drool much. She tends to swallow her drool. I think that makes her pretty gunky.

We had all kinds of smiles today for Cam. She's thrilled to have him around. Tonight when I was cooking dinner, she was laughing at him as he did peek-a-boo. She had been fussing... and he made her happy. It was awesome. I didn't ask him to help her. It was great.