We made it!
We got home last night. I was frayed at the start of our trip back to Missouri: Jordan didn't sleep much and I was pooped. Then Cameron was pooped as well and that made for a pretty ugly start. Fortunately, Cam was golden in the plane and Jordan slept through everything. And when I mean everything, I mean she slept through two trips to the bathroom with Cam. Those bathrooms aren't very big and we fit three people.
Jordan is amazing. She turned eight weeks yesterday and it's so cool to see her develop. She's really into looking at mobiles and hanging toys. Her eyes open really big if she kicks a toy and makes it rattle. She is smiling and looking into everyone's eyes. Cameron LOVES her smiles. Hell, we all do.
I'm including this picture of Jordan from when we were looking at the animals at Lion Country Safari. She just seems so content and happy... I took the picture while she sat on my lap.
Oh, another developmental change: Jordan is learning to fall asleep in her bed. She might fuss a little, but she doesn't fall into a huge fit. She's content to stare at a mobile and fall asleep. It's a big change and I know it will help as we move into the daycare setting. It's only 4 weeks away and I'm starting to fret about it.
I'm taking Jordan to a dinner at the university tonight. We'll see how that goes. It's one of those semi-formal events in honor of a scholar group I'm in. I'm sure she'll steal the attention away from everything else. She's good at that. It's that sweet face and big eyes.