The circle of support grows

I started the day emailing all kinds of doctors and therapists about Jordan... And ended the day with a pediatric physical therapist who is offering care for Jordan AND a doctor who is willing to help me get Jordan into a state program that will help make sure Jordan gets all of that therapy from the best therapists without sending us into bankruptcy.

I've been talking to so many doctors and therapists... And today it feels like I finally broke into the circle of medical and therapeutic support. There appears to be a group of people who work really hard to make sure kids succeed beyond their disabilities. It feels like I finally found a way to get Jordan in that group. I also found out that when there is a need for a child, there are ways to get that care -- Even if insurance won't help. For the first time, I really think we're going to be able to give Jordan the care she needs in our hometown.

During today's doctor meeting, Jordan weighed in at 13 pounds and 10 ounces! That is really incredible. Do you realize that on February 28th she was 11 pounds 7 ounces? She's gained more than 2 pounds in less than a month. Go Jordan!! I thought she was growing out of her diapers!

By the way, Jordan did wake up once in the middle of the night last night... But she still slept pretty darn well. The strange part: Instead of falling asleep on my shoulder as I convinced her to burp... She got all upset and basically demanded I lay her down in the bed and let her fall asleep on her own. My how my baby is growing up fast.


Jordan's first tool


A sleep test