The Cat's Out of the Bag

So in the last couple of weeks, we've gone public with all of this exciting baby talk.

Baby Z is making her or his little self known more and more every day. I already moved to pregnancy pants... Just because it's more comfortable. I think the baby bump is more obvious to me than anyone else... But that's okay.

I told my parents while we were in Maine. I announced it with a gift of a baby picture frame that read: "Coming January 2006" There were lots of smiles and hugs.

The morning/night sickness got worse in the last couple of weeks. I'm hoping now that we're very close to the end of the first trimester that the ickies will slow down and go away. There's nothing worse than running around during breaking news and trying to hold back nausea. Yuck!

We still haven't told Cameron. But last weekend, he found a baby bib we bought in Maine. He asked me if it was his for when he gets little. I told him he'd never get little again... So he was confused and kept asking questions. But he got distracted and we moved on. We still have 29 weeks to go... I'd rather not make him wait as long as we do.


Feeling a lot better


The Truth Starts Coming Out