Shot day
Yup. For Jordan's 2 month doctor's appointment, she had to get four shots... And survived. I fed her right afterwards, took her home and fed her some more. Now she's been sleeping for 2 hours trying to sleep off the painful experience. On our way to the doctor's office, Jordan had a monsterous diaper experience. She leaked up her back, down to her foot... through her clothes. It was a mess. It was really gross. I only had three wipes to clean her up with. But because I'm Super Mom, I changed her and had an extra very cute outfit in the diaper bag.
A former student and current friend sent me a little thing from a website called Story people. She thought today's story reminded her of Jordan. Here's the little story:
Perfect Day
It was a day filled with the glow of ordinary things & we passed them quietly from hand to hand for a long time & someone said she had picked a perfect day to be born & I think all of us felt the same.
I think that is so true.
We're visiting the prosthetic company later today. I'm hoping we'll get a step closer to fitting her for a passive prosthetic.
By the way. Jordan is 11 pounds 7 ounces. Imagine what should would have been if she hadn't thrown up for a few days. She's 22 and a half inches tall. And so far, she's hit all of the developmental milestones that she's supposed to hit. Go Jordan!