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She must be official now

I finally ordered the baby announcements. So I guess Jordan is official now.

We took her to her first doctor's appointment today. She's 7 pounds 5 ounces -- not a bad weight loss from her birthday... That puts her in the 30th percentile for weight. Her head circumfrence was 35 1/2 centimeters - 50th percentile. Her height is also in the 50th percentile.

Jordan got a couple of visits today... And was incredibly good and calm with everyone. It's amazing how calm she is. There's a little period of time in the evening when she gets all cranky, but that's about it.

My big challenge right now: breastfeeding. I'm very sore. I won't get into the details, but my mom and I spent the day looking for solutions to my pain so I can establish a good milk supply and not cry every time I feed the girl. It's tricky. But I remember having similar challenges at the beginning with Cam... And we ended up very healthy and happy.