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She likes me!

Close and sweetRandy was working on dinner while I was giving Jordan a bath. After I had her wrapped up in her towel, I started playing peek-a-boo with her. We were so loud (my yelling and her squealing), Randy thought something was wrong upstairs.

Nope. We were having an amazing time. When Jordan is laughing hard, her mouth opens so wide with funny high pitched squeals. It was awesome.

She fell asleep on me when I fed her right before bed time. I'm already feeling a little nostalgic about the times I have with her during feedings. She's just days or weeks away from starting cereal. I bought some... I just have to get my nerve up to do it. She was waking up in the middle of the night for about 4 straight days... I figured it was time. But she's slept through the last couple of nights. It gives me a little more time to stall. Being her sole food source is SO much easier than solid foods. When we make the move, I know it will be okay. But for now, the convenience of it all is too hard to let go.

Our physical therapist met up with me at Jordan's school today. She was swinging in a swing when I got there and she flashed me the BIGGEST smile and was obviously happy to see me. It's fun to see her move into the phase where she can show off emotions and can start showing opinions.